How to Get Vocational Rehabilitation Through Iowa Work Comp

After an on-the-job injury, it can be tough to get back to work. Although you have recovered enough to perform some duties, you are no longer able to perform your job as you once did. Your impairment prevents you from returning. What can you do? Fortunately, Iowa workers have the option of vocational rehabilitation through their workers comp benefits. This rehabilitation can help you regain skills and find new employment based on your condition. How do you get this vocational rehab? When you’re struggling to find work after a serious injury, get the help you need from these services to restart your career.

You’ve Suffered a Disabling Injury

Generally, vocational rehabilitation requires that you suffered a serious injury at work. This injury must have resulted in you receiving Iowa workers comp benefits, whether that’s regular payments or a single lump sum. You’ll also need to be unable to return to your job. For example, your previous job involved inspecting parts visually, but you suffered a serious eye injury. Now, you have low vision or complete loss of vision. In this case, your injury prevents you from returning to your job in any capacity. Once you’ve established proof of your disability and your inability to return to work, your Iowa work comp benefits should kick in and provide the help you need.

Returning to Work

Vocational rehabilitation is all about finding you a job that can facilitate your condition and get you back to work. For example, low vision might prevent you from working at your previous job, but you may otherwise be fully capable of earning what you once did in a different position or industry. Fortunately, vocational rehabilitation works with your disability. Once you’ve reached maximum medical improvement, you’ll speak to a representative, who will help you find the right employment for your condition. They may even speak to your employer about possible options for your return, which can help minimize the changes you’ll need to experience during your rehabilitation. To obtain this help returning to work, you’ll need to send in an application to Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services. You’ll provide information about your condition and employment situation to determine whether you’re eligible. Typically, you’ll receive an answer within sixty days with the information you need about your rehabilitation.  

Vocational Rehabilitation Can Help You Recover

Dealing with a work accident is already hard enough. You’re able to work but unable to return to your original position. That leaves you in a difficult place, especially if your disability causes issues when seeking another job. Fortunately, vocational rehabilitation can change that. They can provide the resources you need to recover as much as possible and obtain employment that’s right for your situation. If you’re struggling to get the rehabilitation you need, contact a lawyer from Pothitakis Law Firm, PC. We’ll help you fight back when you’ve been denied workers comp or rehabilitation. Ready to get started and find employment that works for you? Seek out an Iowa workers comp lawyer by calling 319-754-6400 or by contacting us through our website.


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