
Preparing for an Iowa Workers Comp Hearing

When you're injured on the job, you need benefits to help you recover from those injuries. Sadly, you might have filed a claim for workers comp, only to be denied the workers comp benefits you're qualified for.  That makes your recovery feel nearly impossible, but it doesn't have to be the end of your case. You do have a chance to dispute your case.  Preparing for an Iowa workers comp hearing can be confusing. Make sure you have the right attorney on your side who can guide you through the trickier parts of your claim and help you obtain benefits.  Informal Dispute Resolution Often, you might need to talk to your employer to resolve the dispute before anything else. Some cases simply need a little more discussion about the reasons for denial.  For example, the insurance company may have denied you on the grounds that you didn't provide enough evidence for your claim. You and your lawyer may have further testing done to prove you were injured. Then, you may b

Understanding Your Options After a Workers Comp Denial

If you've been in a work accident, your workers compensation may have been your best option for recovering from your injuries. Sadly, you were denied, and now you and your family are struggling. When your workers comp claim is denied, you need to know what to expect at this point. A denial doesn't have to be the end, and you may have options to fight back for your compensation. Reach out for help when you've been denied and need compensation. Informal Review Actions If you've been denied your benefits, you'll need to appeal. Typically, your first step is meeting with your employer and their insurers about your claim. When you've been in a work accident, the insurance company or your employer may have had some disputes over your claim. They may have doubts about your claim, so your first option is to have a discussion about your claim. The Iowa Workers Compensation Commission lists this as a first step to resolving a dispute. Although you're not r

How to Get Vocational Rehabilitation Through Iowa Work Comp

After an on-the-job injury, it can be tough to get back to work. Although you have recovered enough to perform some duties, you are no longer able to perform your job as you once did. Your impairment prevents you from returning. What can you do? Fortunately, Iowa workers have the option of vocational rehabilitation through their workers comp benefits. This rehabilitation can help you regain skills and find new employment based on your condition. How do you get this vocational rehab? When you’re struggling to find work after a serious injury, get the help you need from these services to restart your career. You’ve Suffered a Disabling Injury Generally, vocational rehabilitation requires that you suffered a serious injury at work. This injury must have resulted in you receiving Iowa workers comp benefits, whether that’s regular payments or a single lump sum. You’ll also need to be unable to return to your job. For example, your previous job involved inspecting parts visually